Academic Programmes
We offer the following Postgraduate programmes:
(i) Master of Arts Degree in Buddhist Studies (MA) (Registration No. 272503);
(ii) Master of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies (MPhil) (Registration No. 272559);
(iii) Doctor of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies (PhD) (Registration No. 272560).
The Postgraduate programmes conducted at the Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong (BDCHK) are affiliated with the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies (PGIPBS) , University of Kelaniya (Sri Lanka), internationally renowned for Buddhist Studies. All awards of the courses offered by PGIPBS are conferred by the University of Kelaniya. Both the University of Kelaniya and PGIPBS are regulated by the University Grants Commission in Sri Lanka. The University of Kelaniya is an accredited state university in Sri Lanka. It was empowered to grant and confer degrees under the Sri Lankan University Act, No. 16 of 1978. PGIPBS is affiliated to the University of Kelaniya under the University Act, No. 16 of 1978.
The Postgraduate programmes aim to train the participants systematically and scholarly in the Buddha-dharma from a non-sectarian perspective, offering courses in the history, doctrines and scriptural languages of all the major Buddhist traditions. All courses are taught by eminently qualified scholars of Buddhist Studies, both local and foreign, including Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti (PhD Kelaniya), Professor Y Karunadasa (PhD London) and Professor Oliver Abeynayake (PhD Lancaster).
All four Postgraduate programmes are registered under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance, Cap 493. Please note that it is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead.
Who to Apply?
The Postgraduate programmes are open for all people—Buddhist and non-Buddhist, local and foreign, old and young—who want to gain an in-depth understanding of the Buddha-dharma in a pedagogically systematic and scholarly manner.