[CANCELLED 取消] Buddhist Psychotherapy for Ministering to the sick and the Terminally Ill - Public Talk by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana 「為侍奉病者與身患絕症人士之佛教心理治療」華辛德‧彼雅德西那 (春目欣) 教授公開講座


Due to unforeseen reasons, we are sorry to announce that Buddhist Psychotherapy for Ministering to the sick and the Terminally Ill - Public Talk by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana scheduled on 9 November 2019 is cancelled. 由於不能預期之因素,「為侍奉病者與身患絕症人士之佛教心理治療」華辛德‧彼雅德西那 (春目欣) 教授公開講座已取消,不便之處,敬請見諒。

Kindly watch out for our latest announcements regarding latest events and activities at www.buddhadharma.co/news. 煩請登入 www.buddhadharma.co/news 留意中心之最新活動消息發放。

The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
27 Sept 2019 二零一九年九月二十七日

As it is discussed in many places of early Buddhist suttas, it is very clear that Buddhist psychology is consistent with the idea of the transformation of terminally-ill patient. Therefore, the main objective of this public talk is to discuss the applicability and practicability of Buddhist Psychotherapy towards the unsettling issues likewise dying and living. 早期經典討論清晰反映佛教心理治療與轉化身患絕症病人並無抵觸。講座將聚焦討論佛教心理治療對生死等不安事件的適用性及實踐性。

Speaker 講者

Prof. P R Wasantha Priyadarshana received a PhD in 2008 with a dissertation entitled “Buddhist Therapy of Mental Diseases” (A Study of Psy9choanalysis and Behaviour Therapy as Depicted from Tipitaka Literature). He is currently a Professor of Buddhist Culture, and was the Head of the Department of Buddhist Culture of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He has been a speaker at National and International Conferences on Buddhism, Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counseling. He is also a professional psychologist counselor and is conducting various programmes related to Buddhist Psychotherapy.

華辛德‧彼雅德西那 (春目欣) 教授於二零零八年以「佛教心理疾病治療:藏經中精神分析及行為治療研究」論文獲博士學位,現為斯里蘭卡凱拉尼亞大學巴利語與佛學研究生院佛教文化教授、學士後佛教輔導文憑及佛教輔導碩士統籌。教授於斯里蘭卡及國際佛教、佛教心理治療及佛教心理輔導學術會議演說,亦為專業心理輔導員,舉辦不同有關佛教心理治療活動。

Date 日期: 9 November 2019 (Saturday) 二零一九年十一月九日 (星期六)

Time 時間: 3:00 - 5:00pm 下午三時正至五時正

Venue 地點: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心
28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong 香港德輔道西410號太平洋廣場28樓
(Near HKU MTR Exit B2) (近香港大學港鐵站 B2 出口)

Organizer 主辦: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong 香港佛法中心

Language 語言: English (with Cantonese translation) (First-come, First-serve basis)
英語 (附粵語翻譯,名額有限,先到先得)

Map 地圖: https://goo.gl/maps/BciS2XNauV72

Registration 網上登記: https://forms.gle/c9gYR65Ruq92LYS17

Fee 費用: Free of Charge (Donations are welcome) 免費 (歡迎隨喜供養)

Enquiries 查詢: +852 2673 0001 / enquiries@buddha-dharma.org.hk