Notice of Closure of BDCHK Premise To Public from 10 - 23 February 2022 有關香港佛法中心從二零二二年二月十日至二十三日暫停對外開放之安排
In light of the phenomenal increase of COVID-19 infections in the territory of HKSAR, BDCHK will be closed to the public from the period 10 – 23 February 2022.
Please note the following arrangements the aforementioned period:
(1) Applications for the Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (DPBS) (English Medium) and Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (MA) (Chinese and English Medium) should reach our office by post only (Address: 28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong). Applicants in need of certifying the originals of your academic certificates and identity cards should contact our office at 2673 0001 to schedule a video conferencing for checking the originals of the Certificates.
(2) Workshop One of MABS 72 Research Methodology and Extended Essay of the 2021/22 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (Chinese Medium) programme on 23 February 2022 will be changed to online mode. Please be reminded that MABS 72 is a compulsory course unit for all students. ZOOM login details will be sent to concerned students. Students and graduates of the MA (Chinese and English) medium intending to sit-in the workshop should contact our office to acquire the ZOOM login details.
(3) All DPBS (Chinese and English Medium) classes during the period have been switched to online mode already, as announced in earlier correspondences.
(4) Library loans having the due date during the aforementioned period should contact our office at 2673 0001 to schedule a renewal for the loaned books, or to return the books outside the premise of BDCHK with the consultation of staff members.
Announcement regarding the arrangements of opening subsequent to the aforementioned period will be announced in due course.
The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong
(1) 所有巴利文暨佛學文憑 (英文媒介) 及文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 入學申請人請以郵寄方式將申請材料交回本中心。須核實學歷證書及身份證明副本之申請人須致電+852 2673 0001 預約時間以視像會議形式完成核實程序。
(2) 二零二一/二二文學碩士 (佛學) (中文媒介) MABS 72 研究方法論與畢業小論文於二月二十三日舉行之工作坊 (一)將改為網絡授課,受影響同學將收到ZOOM會議編號及密碼。煩請留意MABS 72 為必修科目。有興趣旁聽之文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 在讀及畢業生請向本中心領取ZOOM會議編號及密碼。
(3) 上述時間內所有巴利文暨佛學文憑 (英文及中文媒介) 課程將以網絡授課。而有關通知以於日前向各同學發放。
(4) 若圖書館借出書籍於上述時間內到期,煩請聯絡本中心 (2673 0001) 安排續借,同學亦可安排於香港佛法中心附近位置歸還書籍。