Free Public Sit-in for First Classes of Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) - Sept & Oct 2022 二零二二年九及十月文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及佛學文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 第一講免費公開課
The first lecture of each course unit of the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies / Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) is open for public. The course unit is OPEN for public audit, both in the face-to-face as well as online mode locally and internationally.
To facilitate dissemination of course meeting ID and password, those auditing the course units online are required to register online. The details of the meeting ID and password will be sent through email upon successful registration through the registration link. Registration for online sit-in will close 24 hours before commencement of each course unit. Registration for each class is capped at 100 and will be distributed under first-come, first-served basis.
You are required NOT to disclose the details of the meeting ID and password to third-parties.
During video conferencing, you may optionally switch off the video function. However, you are required to use your name as appearing on the registration form as user name in each login session. The arrangement for audio live function for participants facilitating instantaneous exchange of ideas between lecturer and the audience will vary from class to class subject to the lecturer's professional judgement.
After the first lecture, members of public need to enrol as Occasional Student in the MA programme to continue sitting in the course(s).
Please find below the timetables of the four programmes for your reference. Please visit our official website at for detailed information about the courses. Please contact us at +852 2673 0001 / should you need further clarifications.
本中心文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及巴利文暨佛學文憑/佛學文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 每學期所有課節之第一講均為免費公開課,全球及本地公眾可以網上或面授形式旁聽。
第一節免費公開講以後,有興趣旁聽課堂之社會公眾請以單科選讀 (非正規) 生報名參加。
隨附上課程時間表供參考。有關課程詳情請瀏覽。若有任何垂詢,請電 +852 2673 0001 / 與我們聯絡。
2022 Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English Medium) - Second Semester
MABS 64 History of Chinese Buddhism (16 September 2022, Friday) (Dr Guang Xing)
MABS 67 I Readings in Pali Suttas I: Grammatical Foundation (17 September 2022, Saturday) (Dr Nagasena)
MABS 68 I Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Texts I: Grammatical Foundation (21 September 2022, Wednesday) (Dr. Dharmarakkhit)
二零二二/二三年度文學碩士 (佛學) (中文媒介) 上學期
MABS 01 巴利尼柯耶 (經藏) 中之佛教教義:分析與演繹 (二零二二年十月三日至十二月十九日 (星期一)) (釋賢達博士)
MABS 22 佛教藝術與建築 – I (印度次大陸) (二零二二年十月十一日 (星期二)) (崔中慧博士)
MABS 60 說一切有部阿毗達磨:教義與爭議 (二零二二年十月五日 (星期三)) (高明元博士)
MABS 63 早期印度瑜伽行派之教義 (二零二二年十月八日 (星期六)) (陳雁姿博士)
MABS 64 中國佛教史 (二零二二年九月三十日) (李葛夫博士)
二零二二/二三年度巴利文暨佛學文憑 / 佛學文憑 (中文媒介) 上半學年
DPBS 13024 基礎佛教教義 / BUPH 13014早期佛教哲學基礎教義 (二零二二年十一月三日 星期四) (趙國森博士)
DPBS 13014 佛教歷史背景 / BUPH 13022 佛教哲學之印度背景 (二零二二年十一月六日 星期日) (劉培先生)
2022/23 Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (English Medium) – Second Semester
DPBS 13034 Selected Readings in Pali Literature (26 September 2022, Monday) (Ven. Prof K L Dhammajoti / Dr Nagasena)
DPBS 13094 Modern Movements of Humanistic Buddhism (15 September 2022, Thursday) (Dr Dipen BARUA / Dr Amrita NANDA)