Interview on Venerable Proefssor K L Dhammajoti on Buddhistdoor “學佛而佛學,佛學而學佛:法光法師基於「五根」的教育理念”
Posted By admin On Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies commences -
17 January!
28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
We would like to share with you an article by Buddhistdoor in Chinese entitled “學佛而佛學,佛學而學佛:法光法師基於「五根」的教育理念”. The article introduces the philosophy of integrating Dharma practice with Buddhist Studies proposed by Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti, as well as the vision and mission of The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong. Please refer to the article on Buddhistdoor website below:
Our courtesy to Buddhistdoor ( for the allowing us to share the links online.
17 January!
3 January 2017 (Tuesday), 7:00 pm, The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong