
Introducing Buddhist Sanskrit (April - July 2022)

This introductory course is meant for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. Students will be introduced to the Sanskrit Devanagari alphabets and basic Sanskrit grammar required for reading simple Buddhist passages. The focus of this course will be to familiarize students with the basic Buddhist terminologies and simple sentences in the Buddhist Sanskrit Sūtras. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to read simple Sanskrit passages.

Free Public Sit-in for First Classes of Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) - March 2022 二零二二年三月文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及巴利文暨佛學文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 第一講免費公開課

The first lecture of each course unit of the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) is open for public. The course unit is OPEN for public audit, both in the face-to-face as well as online mode locally and internationally.

Closure of BDCHK Premise To Public from 24 February 2022 有關香港佛法中心從二零二二年二月二十四日起暫停對外開放之安排

In light of the phenomenal increase of COVID-19 infections in the territory of HKSAR, BDCHK will be closed to the public from 24 February 2022 until further notice.

Please note the following arrangements the aforementioned period:







Notice of Closure of BDCHK Premise To Public from 10 - 23 February 2022 有關香港佛法中心從二零二二年二月十日至二十三日暫停對外開放之安排

In light of the phenomenal increase of COVID-19 infections in the territory of HKSAR, BDCHK will be closed to the public from the period 10 – 23 February 2022.

Please note the following arrangements the aforementioned period:

Monastic Chanting and Memorial Service For Prof. Toshiichi ENDO at The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong

Prof. Dhammajoti would like to express his deepest condolences of the passing away of Prof. Toshiichi ENDO, Visiting Professor, The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong, on 3 February 2022 in Sri Lanka.

The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong will organize the following events in commemoration of Prof. Endo:

1. Monastic Chanting for Prof. Toshiichi ENDO

Date: 3 February 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 20:00 – 21:00 (HKG Time GMT +8:00)
Youtube Live Broadcast:

‘Akliṣṭājñāna, vāsanā and perfect Buddhahood’ by Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti, Lingyin Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies at Faculty of Oriental Studies, Oxford University Hilary Term 2022

Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti Speaking at Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED) Conference (15-16 January 2022) - Application of Religion and Science to Ecology and Sustainability: Perspectives From Islam and Buddhism

Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED) Conference (15-16 January 2022)
Application of Religion and Science to Ecology and Sustainability: Perspectives From Islam and Buddhism

Registration for online participation:

Conference Website:
