
Free Public Sit-in for First Classes of Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) - Feb - Apr 2023 二零二三年二至四月文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及佛學文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 第一講免費公開課

The first lecture of each course unit of the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies / Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) is open for public. The course unit is OPEN for public audit, both in the face-to-face as well as online mode locally and internationally.

2023/24-2024/25 Diploma in Buddhist Studies (English Medium) Invites Enrolment


Programme Director
Venerable Professor K L Dhammajoti

Course Units on offer:

PALI 13014 Development of Pali Language and Literature (4 credits)
PALI 13022 Introduction to Pali Grammar (2 credits)
PALI 13032 Selected Readings in Pali Literature (2 credits)
PALI 13042 Pali for spiritual conducts (2 credits)
PALI 13052 Fundamental Buddhist Teachings in Pali (2 credits)
PALI 13062 Buddhist Meditation Literature in Pali (2 credits)

Kaṭhina Robes and Alms Offering 卡帝那袈裟供養

卡帝那袈裟供養 (並設三皈五戒儀式)

Date 日期 6 November 2022 (Sunday) 二零二二年十一月六日 星期日

Time 時間: 10:30 am - 1:15 pm 早上十時三十分至下午一時十五分

Venue 地點: The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong (28/F Pacific Plaza, 410 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong)
香港佛法中心 香港德輔道西410號太平洋廣場28樓

Fee 費用: Free of Charge 全免 (Donations welcome 歡迎隨喜捐助)

Registration 登記:

Sraman Purna Joti Awarded JMS Spring Education Scholarship 2022-23

Sraman Purna Joti (Bangladesh), a disciple of Ven. Prof. K L Dhammajoti, has been awarded the JMS Spring Education Scholarship in respect of his candidacy at the full-time programme of Master of Buddhist Studies at The University of Hong Kong for 2022-23. Our congratulations to his award of the scholarship for financing his studies.



作者:法光 (KL Dhammajoti)
地址:香港西環德輔道西 410 號太平洋廣場 28 層
電話:(852) 2673 0001
傳真:(852) 2673 0100
出版日期:2022 年 10 月 第一版
ISBN 978-988-16820-8-6
本書由旭日慈善基金 (Glorious Sun Charity Group, Hong Kong) 贊助出版

譯自: Reading Buddhist Sanskrit Text: An Elementary Grammatical Guide (Fourth Edition)

University of Kelaniya, Buddha - Dharma Centre of Hongkong sign MoU to foster bilateral relationships

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the University of Kelaniya and the Buddha - Dharma Centre of Hongkong on the 16th of September 2022 at at the Vice Chancellor's Office of the University of Kelaniya.

This was organized by the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the University.

Free Public Sit-in for First Classes of Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) - Sept & Oct 2022 二零二二年九及十月文學碩士 (佛學) (中文及英文媒介) 及佛學文憑 (中文及英文媒介) 第一講免費公開課

The first lecture of each course unit of the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies (English and Chinese Medium) and Diploma in Pali and Buddhist Studies / Diploma in Buddhist Studies (Chinese and English Medium) is open for public. The course unit is OPEN for public audit, both in the face-to-face as well as online mode locally and internationally.
