
[CANCELLED 取消] Buddhist Psychotherapy for Ministering to the sick and the Terminally Ill - Public Talk by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana 「為侍奉病者與身患絕症人士之佛教心理治療」華辛德‧彼雅德西那 (春目欣) 教授公開講座


Due to unforeseen reasons, we are sorry to announce that Buddhist Psychotherapy for Ministering to the sick and the Terminally Ill - Public Talk by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana scheduled on 9 November 2019 is cancelled. 由於不能預期之因素,「為侍奉病者與身患絕症人士之佛教心理治療」華辛德‧彼雅德西那 (春目欣) 教授公開講座已取消,不便之處,敬請見諒。

Kindly watch out for our latest announcements regarding latest events and activities at 煩請登入 留意中心之最新活動消息發放。

[CANCELLED] Buddhist Counselling and Mindfulness Retreat - by Prof. Wasantha Priyadarshana

[CANCELLED] Buddhist Counselling and Mindfulness Retreat (19-20 October 2019)

Due to unforeseen reasons, we are sorry to announce that Buddhist Counselling and Mindfulness Retreat scheduled on 19-20 October 2019 is cancelled. Full refund of the registration fee paid will be made to all participants who have paid the fee. Participants will separately receive an email detailing the refund arrangement.

Kindly watch out for our latest announcements regarding latest events and activities at

BDCHK Library Catalogue (English Books) as at 2 Sept 2019

We are happy to announce that we have completed revamping our library for English language books and journals. The books and journals in our library available for lending are compiled in the file attached. You may search according to book title, author or call number.

As with standard practice, 'A' and 'The' are excluded from book titles if they are the first words of the titles.
- Example 1: 'The Life of the Buddha' is recorded as 'Life of the Buddha' .
- Example 2: ' A Manual of Abhidhamma' is recorded as 'Manual of Abhidhamma'.

「說一切有部四無量的修學體系」惟善法師/教授公開講座 (只設網上實時直播)

由於公眾活動影響,本週六 (八月三十一日)下午三時正至五時正舉行之手「說一切有部四無量的修學體系」惟善法師/教授公開講座將改以網上實時直播形式進行,參加者無需於當天來臨中心,可於家中或任何網絡訊號接收良好之場所收看實時直播:




The Way to obtain Benefits through Practice of Buddhism - Public Talk by Ven. Prof. N. Gnanaratana Thero

It is recorded that at the end of Buddha's first sermon, many beings including five ascetics had been able to realise the truth. This indicates that even the first sermon was enough to get the final result of practicing Buddhism. Today, many people spend thousands of hours in reading books and listening to sermons but seem to achieve no intended advancement. This talk discusses what is wrong and shows guidance for right practice.


二零一九/二零年度文學碩士 (佛學) (中文媒介) 及 巴利文暨佛學文憑 (中文媒介) 第二次簡介會


日期: 二零一九年七月二十七日 (星期六)
時間: 下午三時正至五時正
地點: 香港佛法中心
香港德輔道西四百一十號太平洋廣場二十八樓 (近香港大學港鐵站B2出口)
語言: 粵語
查詢: +852 2673 0001 /


學術研究方向 : 絲路佛教石窟藝術、敦煌佛教藝術與文化、敦煌與吐魯番佛教寫經書法研究。


Introducing Pāli (July - September 2019)

Introducing Pāli

This is an elementary Pāli course for anyone who is interested in learning the ancient Buddhist language. It is a course designed for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. Students will learn basic Pāli grammar, and be guided in understanding some simple Pāli texts. At the end of the course, students will be able to read some simple Pāli texts.

This course provides a solid foundation for MABS 67 Readings in Pali Suttas I & II in the Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies programme.

Date:        24 July – 9 October 2019 (Every Wednesday)
